API Documentation
1.Validate Token
API to validate token. Pass the API token to check if it is configured properly.
Each request should send Authorization token as Bearer token, this token can be generated from dashboard.
2. Informative Article Generation
Generates an informative article focused on SEO and user intent satisfaction.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
project | Optional | String | Project ID where you want this content to be linked to |
title | Required | String | The title of the article. Required if keyword is not present. |
keyword | Required | String | The keyword or topic of the article. Required if title is not present. |
language | Optional | String | Default is English ("en"): The language in which the article should be written. |
country | Optional | String | Default is United States ("US"): The specific country context for the article. |
focus | Optional | String | Additional focus or context for the article. |
add_internal_links | Optional | Boolean | Default is false: Whether to add internal links to the article. |
project_website | Conditional | String | The website URL for internal linking. **Required if add_internal_links is true. |
add_external_links | Optional | Boolean | Default is false: Whether to add external links to the article. |
* Important: At least either the title or the keyword must be provided.
* Bulk Creation: The API allows generating one content per API call. You can send multiple calls to generate multiple contents simultaneously.
3. Video Generation
Generates a video based on a script or keyword with various customization options.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
keyword | Conditional | String | The main keyword or topic for generating the video. Required if `video_script` is not provided. |
video_script | Conditional | String | The script for the video. Required if `keyword` is not provided. |
language | Optional | String | The language in which the video should be generated. Default is English ("en"). |
country | Optional | String | The target country for the video content. Default is United States ("US"). |
aspect_ratio | Required | String | The aspect ratio for the video. Supported values are "9:16" and "16:9". |
voice_id | Required | String | The ID of the voice to be used for the video narration. |
voice_style | Optional | String | The style of the voice used for the narration. Options: "narrative", "expressive", "dynamic". Default is "expressive". |
voice_speed | Optional | String | The speed of the voice narration. Options: "standard", "fast", "very_fast". Default is "standard". |
media_type | Required | String | The type of media to generate. Currently supported: "moving_ai_image". |
style | Conditional | String | The style of the media. Required when `media_type` is "moving_ai_image". Default is "photorealistic". |
images_per_minute | Optional | Integer | Number of images generated per minute of video. Accepts values between 8 and 40. Higher values create more dynamic videos but increase generation time. Default is 8. |
add_subtitles | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to add subtitles to the video. Default is true. |
caption_font | Conditional | String | The font to use for captions. Required if `add_subtitles` is true. Default is "Roboto". |
caption_alignment | Conditional | String | The alignment of the captions. Required if `add_subtitles` is true. Options: "top", "middle", "bottom". Default is "bottom". |
subtitle_highlight_color | Conditional | String | The color used for highlighting words in subtitles. Required if `enable_word_highlight` is true. |
subtitle_stroke_width | Optional | Number | The stroke width of the subtitle text. Options: 0 (Hidden), 1 (Light), 2 (Standard), 3 (Heavy). Default is 0. |
subtitle_highlight_mode | Conditional | String | The mode of highlighting in subtitles. Required if `enable_word_highlight` is true. Options: "text", "background". |
add_background_music | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to add background music to the video. Default is false. |
background_music_id | Conditional | String | The ID of the background music track to add to the video. Required if `add_background_music` is true. |
* Bulk Creation: The API allows generating one content per API call. You can send multiple calls to generate multiple contents simultaneously.
4. Get My Projects
Fetches a list of projects you have created. Below are the query parameters to filter data.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
page | Optional | Number | Page number to fetch |
limit | Optional | Number | Number of items per page. |
search | Required | String | Search term by project name or domain |
5. Project Details
Fetches details of a single project. Replace {projectId} in the URL with the actual project ID.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
projectId | Required | String | ID of the project to fetch details for. Should be passed as a URL parameter. |
6. Get My Contents
Fetches a list of contents you have added to generate. Below are the query parameters to filter data.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
page | Optional | Number | Page number to fetch |
limit | Optional | Number | Number of items per page. |
search | Required | String | Search term by title or content ID |
status | Optional | String | Filter by content status. Statuses are: creating/failed/completed |
type | Optional | String | Filter by content type. Type is: article |
7. Content Details
Fetches details of a single content. Replace {contentId} in the URL with the actual content ID.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
contentId | Required | String | ID of the content to fetch details for. Should be passed as a URL parameter. |
8. Get My Videos
Fetches a list of videos you have created. Below are the query parameters to filter data.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
page | Optional | Number | Page number to fetch |
limit | Optional | Number | Number of videos per page |
search | Required | String | Search term for video relevant fields |
9. Video Details
Fetches details of a single video. Replace {videoId} in the URL with the actual video ID.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
videoId | Required | String | ID of the video to fetch details for. Should be passed as a URL parameter. |
10. Credit Consumption
To use Vuela's API, you must have credits in your account. Our credit system ensures fair usage and helps maintain the quality of our services.
Please note: In the event of an API error or if Vuela is unable to generate content, no credits will be charged to your account. We only deduct credits for successful operations that deliver content.