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API Documentation

1.Validate Token

API to validate token, pass api token to check if it configured properly.


Each request should send Authorization token as Bearer token, this token can be generated from dashboard.

2. Informative Article Generation

Generates informative article focused on SEO and user intent satisfaction

titleRequiredStringThe title of the article. Required if keyword is not present.
keywordRequiredStringThe keyword or topic of the article. Required if title is not present.
languageOptionalStringDefault is English ("en"): The language in which the article should be written.
countryOptionalStringDefault is United States ("US"): The specific country context for the article.
focusOptionalStringAdditional focus or context for the article.
add_imagesOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Whether to add images to the article.
images_focusOptionalStringSpecific focus or details for the images in the article. Only applicable if add_images is true.
add_internal_linksOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Whether to add internal links to the article.
project_websiteConditionalStringThe website URL for internal linking. **Required if add_internal_links is true.
add_external_linksOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Whether to add external links to the article.

* Important: At least either the title or the keyword must be provided.

* Bulk Creation: API allow generating one content in one API call, so you can send multiple calls to generate multiple content at same time.

3. Product Page Generation

Generates a product page optimized for e-commerce

productRequiredStringThe name of the product. Required if ean is not present.
eanRequiredStringThe EAN (European Article Number) of the product. Required if product is not present.
output_formatRequiredObjectDefines output content. At least one sub-field must be set to true.
descriptionOptionalBooleanIf true, includes description of the product
features_specifications_listOptionalBooleanInclude a list of features and specifications.
reviewsOptionalBooleanInclude reviews
pros_consOptionalBooleanInclude pros and cons.
features_specificationsOptionalStringDetails of product features or specifications.
use_external_sourcesOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Whether external sources should be used for SEO-focused content (may cause hallucinations).
image_urlsOptionalArray of stringsURLs of product images.
paragraph_countOptionalIntegerFrom 1 to 10. The number of paragraphs in the description. If 0, a random number of paragraphs will be generated.
paragraph_lengthOptionalString"mini" or "normal". The length of each paragraph.
languageOptionalStringDefault is English ("en"): The language in which the product page should be written.
countryOptionalStringDefault is United States ("US"): The specific country context for the product page.

* Bulk Creation: API allow generating one content in one API call, so you can send multiple calls to generate multiple content at same time.

4. Category Page Generation

Creates a category page for product listings

category_titleRequiredStringThe title of the category.
urlRequiredStringThe URL of the ecommerce site or a competitor's site.
output_formatRequiredObjectDefines output content. At least one sub-field must be set to true.
descriptionOptionalBooleanInclude description.
frequent_questionsOptionalBooleanInclude frequently asked questions.
use_external_sourcesOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Whether external sources should be used for SEO-focused content (may cause hallucinations).
introOptionalBooleanDefault is false: Include an introductory paragraph.
intro_lengthOptionalString"mini" or "normal" The length of the introductory paragraph.
paragraph_countOptionalIntegerFrom 1 to 10. The number of paragraphs in the description. If 0, a random number of paragraphs will be generated.
paragraph_lengthOptionalString"mini" or "normal". The length of each paragraph.
languageOptionalStringDefault is English ("en"): The language in which the category page should be written.
countryOptionalStringDefault is United States ("US"): The specific country context for the category page.

* Bulk Creation: API allow generating one content in one API call, so you can send multiple calls to generate multiple content at same time.

5. Get My Contents

Fetch list of contents, you have added to generate, below are the list of query parameters to filter data

pageOptionalNumberPage to fetch
limitOptionalNumberNo of items per page.
searchRequiredStringSearch title field, like title/keyword for article, product/ean for productDescription and category_title for categoryDescription or Content ID
statusOptionalStringTo filter data with status. Statuses are: creating/failed/completed
typeOptionalStringTo filter data with type. Types are: article/productDescription/categoryDescription

6. Content Details

Fetch details of single content, below is the details how to replace {contentId} in url

contentIdRequiredStringId of content required in my content api, it should be passed in url like url param

7. Credit Consumption

To use Vuela's API, you must have credits in your account. Our credit system ensures fair usage and helps maintain the quality of our services.

Please note: In the event of an API error or if Vuela is unable to generate content, no credits will be charged to your account. We only deduct credits for successful operations that deliver content.